Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Amazing Journey

OK, I have been so busy and in such a rut that I have not any extra time to blog. But...today, something came across my email that just brought me to tears. I am attaching a link to a blog of some friends of John and I - Jack and Jodie Groppel


They are an amazing christian couple that we have shared some wonderful years with while we lived in Chicago (many bottles of wine and nights on our deck, we were in small group together and they even helped us pack our house when we moved here to Indy. Jack is a bit of a celeb. If you Google Jack Groppel, you will see lots about him - he has authored many books and is well known in the US Tennis World. You can read all about that online. Also, he has traveled with Bill Hybels of Willow Creek doing some speaking - Jack is an incredible motivational speaker. Not too long ago, Steve Poe even referenced Jack and some of his materials in a sermon. Anyway, Jack and Jodie are adopting a son from China (this has been in the works for a long time!) They decided to Blog the events of the adoption. Jack is in China now getting their son - Shen. He should be returning to the states next week if all goes well. We know quite a few people who have adopted from a foreign country, but I have never quite experienced the emotion that I did as I read Jack's blog. Maybe because we have a personal attachment, but it's just been an incredible journey for them - all God led. Anyway, if you want to read a wonderful blog - set aside a few minutes and read this story - my tears are happy ones - no one deserves this more than Jack and Jodie and little Shen is a very lucky little boy - he may not know it yet - but in time.